Container Volumes Reach Pre-Pandemic Levels
After two years of disruptions creating a flux of cargo and inventory, the Port of Savannah operators are finally able to breathe. A recent report has stated that the container trade has reduced in demand and volume, affording port employees a nice change of pace. “Container trade at U.S. ports is returning to a more […]
Gulf Coast Ports Continue Strong Gains
Gulf coast ports have continued to trend upward with container volumes from October through November. This can be attributed to an increase in imports such as steel, plywood, and bagged goods, as well as an increase in exports of petroleum and crude oil. “Our volumes continue to be strong — we continue to hear about […]
Fall Season Profitable for East Coast Ports
According to the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA), Fall shipping season has been extremely profitable for U.S. ports on the East and Gulf coasts. Ship berthing time has gone down, new and expanding businesses are utilizing the anchorages, and increased capacities coming online next year have added to the attractiveness of greater efficiency. GPA recently reported […]
East Coast Ports Optimizing Workflow
Ports have turned their full attention towards making the supply chain process as smooth as possible for customers and cargo owners. East Coast ports have been experiencing higher volumes as shippers attempt to avoid port congestion in the West Coast ports. The increased activity has resulted in growth at some ports while others are experiencing […]
Harbor Truckers Protest AB5 Bill
The Harbor Truck Association (HTA) reported that on July 13th, harbor truckers were protesting at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach after the U.S. Supreme Court decision not to challenge California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), also commonly referred to as the “Gig-worker bill”. Many companies that hire truckers to move their goods are […]
Ocean Shipping Reform Act Passed House of Representatives
For the first time since 1998, the regulations governing U.S. container trades have received an overhaul. With an overwhelming approval of 369-42, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) of 2022, which President Biden is expected to sign soon. TA President and CEO, Chris Spear, said that the Federal Maritime […]
GPA Expands Container Capacity
The Covid-19 pandemic dragged infrastructure issues directly into the spotlight, one of them being the dire need for capacity expansion at ports; An issue that was exacerbated by equipment shortages, labor shortages, and various supply chain disruptions. The Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) has unveiled a plan to increase container capacity at the Port of Savannah […]
Ports Pleading to Lift Tariffs
The Biden administration is facing pressure to lift trade tariffs imposed by the previous Trump administration. The trade association along with several high-profile manufacturers have sent letters imploring the administration to lift tariffs in attempts to provide immediate relief from record-high shipping costs. While the Biden administration has stated that they are in the process […]