Tanker Rates Decreasing In Spite of New Restrictions

An EU ban on seaborne imports of Russian crude went into effect on December 5th, 2022, in hopes that this market-altering event would hike the crude tanker rates. Not only has there been no sign of rate hikes almost 30 days later, but tanker rates have gone down double digits since the Russian restrictions went […]
Container Volumes Reach Pre-Pandemic Levels

After two years of disruptions creating a flux of cargo and inventory, the Port of Savannah operators are finally able to breathe. A recent report has stated that the container trade has reduced in demand and volume, affording port employees a nice change of pace. “Container trade at U.S. ports is returning to a more […]
Cargo Moving Thanks to Threat of Fees

According to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, threats of penalty fees are just as effective as the fees themselves. The container dwell fee announced by the White House late in October 2021 declared that ports would be implementing a fee of $100 per each day extra at berth. A fee that was, […]