The Commercial Vehicle Service Alliance (CVSA) will be hosting it’s annual International Roadcheck Week this week, a 72-hour blitz taking place June 5-8, 2018. The inspection consists of the North American Standard Level 1 Inspection, consisting of 37 steps related to driver requirements and the fitness of the vehicle.

In 2017’s Roadcheck, 32% of all drivers stuck with violations were hours-of-service related. Last year’s check was before the official ELD Mandate regulations, and although the same laws have always been in effect, it’s to be determined how the official ELD regulations now will affect citations this week.

The roadcheck comes at a time where the trucking and logistics industry is already bootstrapped with available drivers. With a strong likely-hood of at least a percentage of the industry choosing to avoid the roadways all together this week, lanes may lose a few days to already lengthy lead times.

For information on the current state of trucking, or to discuss how The Logistix Company can assist your business in all areas of freight and logistics, contact us today.



